Get the answer you're looking for about Killswitch Paywall and EV Charger Management system.

EV Chargers in residential condo

General FAQs

  • add_circleWhat is Killswitch?

    Killswitch is a free payment solution for EV Chargers.

    It enables anyone to easily add an online paywall (also called checkout) to existing EV Chargers so that users can pay for their top ups.

    Killswitch can also be used as a free EV Charger management solution for OCPP chargers.

  • add_circleWhat payment flows are available in Killswitch?

    Killswitch supports both pre-paid and post-paid payment flows.

    This means that you can charge your users before the charging starts for a certain time period (charge duration) or - in alternative - you can charge the actual time or energy consumed once the charging session is ended (pay-per-use model).

  • add_circleWhat payment types are supported by Killswitch?

    The Killswitch paywall supports all major credit cards (such as VISA®, Mastercard® and American Express®) as well as the most popular mobile payment methods - Apple Pay® and Google Pay®.

    Killswitch uses the Stripe® payment gateway for processing payments, which is one of the most advanced and secure online payment providers in the world.

  • add_circleWhat usage units does Killswitch Support?

    Killswitch supports EV Charger usage per: Minute, Hour, 15 Mins, 30 Mins, Day and kWh (energy consumption).

    This means that you can set your unit price or usage control for your charging stations in any of the above units.

    The kWh unit is only supported for OCPP Chargers in a pay-per-use payment flow or without payments enabled.

  • add_circleWhich EV charging station models are supported?

    Killswitch is independent of manufacturer and works with any EV charging station manufacturer or model:

    For OCPP-compatible devices, the charger connects directly to Killswitch by using our OCPP server. For devices not supporting OCPP, you will need to use a Smart Switch from Shelly® so that Killswitch can control the power supply to the charger.

  • add_circleDoes Killswitch support OCPP?

    Yes - you can connect your charging station to Killswitch using OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol).

    Using OCPP is the most convenient and easy way to connect chargers to Killswitch, but our solution can also be used with non-OCPP compatible devices..

  • add_circleWhat remote functions are available for OCPP chargers?

    When using Killswitch with an OCPP-compatible device, you will be able to perform the following remote actions:
    - Soft reset
    - Request status notification
    - Remote Start charge
    - Remote stop charge
    - Remote unlock connector

  • add_circleCan I see my device online status?

    Yes - Killswitch enables you to check if you chergers are online and what is their current status (i.e. preparing, charging, finishing etc).

  • add_circleWhat languages are supported?

    Killswitch currently supports it's interface in 5 languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

  • add_circleDo I need to buy any specific hardware to use Killswitch?

    No - you can connect your charger to Killswitch using OCPP, meaning that no additional hardware is required.

    If your charger does not support OCPP, then you may need to use Killswitch integrated with a small piece of hardware: a Shelly® smart switch that needs to be installed in the power line that feeds the EV charger. This smart switch will allow Killswitch to remotely control the power flow to the charging station. You can buy the smart switch directly from the Shelly® website or from your local distributor. Supported smart switch models: Shelly® Pro 1 and Pro 1PM.

  • add_circleDo I need an Internet connection?

    Yes, you will need to have an Internet connection for Killswitch to communicate with your EV Charger or smart switch.

    OCPP devices are normally equipped with network connectivity options (eithet LAN, or WiFi or 4G) to be able to connect to an OCPP server.

    If you are using Killswitch with a Shelly® smart switch, you will need to have a stable Wifi connection where the smart swicth will be installed (i.e. in the switch board) so that the smart switch can connect to the Internet.

  • add_circleDo I need to hire installation services from you?

    No - you can easily configure Killswitch by yourself.

    For OCPP Chargers, you simply need to enter the Killswitch OCPP server address in you device configuration.

    For non-OCPP compatible chargers, you will need to install a Shelly® smart switch together with a contactor in the power line that feeds your charger. Despite the smart switch installation is rather simple, we recomend you to hire a qualified electrician to do so - to avoid shocks, equipment damage or other electrical hazards.

  • add_circleDo you provide support?

    Yes, we provide free email and phone support. Please use this support form to get in touch with our help desk team.

    Our support schedule is: weekdays from 09:00h to 18:00 hours GMT.

  • add_circleIs it possible to use Killswitch without payments?

    Yes - you can use Killswitch to control (connect / disconnect) your EV chargers or any other devices or electrical installations without having payments enabled.

  • add_circleIs it possible to use Killswitch with other equipments besides EV Chargers?

    Yes - by using a Shelly® smart switch you will be able to control the energy flow to any electrical installation or device through the scanning of a QR code from a smartphone. So besides EV Charging stations you can use Killswitch with unlimited applications - even to control the power flow to a house, office buildings etc!

  • add_circleDo you provide technical installation services?

    No - Killswitch is an online Paywall and EV Charger Management solution, thus we do not provide technical installation services for EV Chargers or any other hardware / device.

Paywall FAQs

  • add_circleIn which countries is the Killswitch Paywall available?

    Killswitch Paywall is available in all countries supported by the Stripe® Connect framework. This inludes all major countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, almost all European countries (including the UK), India, Mexico and many others.

    To a complete list of supported countries, please refer to the online documentation available at Stripe website.

    You can also view a list of supported countries using this link.

    Due to stringent legal and regulatory requirements, cross-border payment transactions and foreign exchange (FX) activities are restricted for merchant accounts in Stripe Brazil. This means that at this moment Killswitch cannot be used to receive payments in Brazil. We are working on enabling Killswitch Payments in Brazil as soon as possible.

  • add_circleWhat payment methods are available?

    The payment methods supported by Killswitch Paywall include most debit and credit cards by Visa®, Mastercard®, American Express® and mobile payments from Apple Pay® and Google Pay®. Some other local electronic payment methods are also available - contact us for details.

  • add_circleHow will I receive the payments received through the Paywall?

    Once you set up Killswitch and enable payments, you will receive the amounts for all payments processed through Killswitch directly to your bank account, on a daily or weekly basis.

  • add_circleWho decides the charger usage price?

    You can freely decide the price you want to charge for the usage of your EV charging stations.

    Depending on the usage scenario (commercial / non-commercial), you can set the unit price in order to make a profit or just to cover your electricity and equipment costs.

    For commercial scenarios, we recommend to set a sales price with a markup of at least 50% over your energy costs, but keeping prices competitive with other charging options in your area.

  • add_circleWhat is the transaction fee?

    The transaction fee is a small percentage that Killswitch charges whenever a payment is processed through our Paywall. This transaction fee (or payment processing fee) exists to support the electronic payment costs involved whenever there is an online payment.

    You can check the Killswitch transaction fee at the pricing page or contact our team for more details.

  • add_circleWho pays the transaction fee?

    You can decide if the transaction fee is to be discounted from the total payment amount that the customer / user will pay or to be added to it.

    In other words, you can decide if the transaction fee is paid by you or by the customer / user.

  • add_circleIs there a minimum transaction fee amount?

    Yes - there is a minimum fee amount of 0.50 USD (0.50 EUR or equivalent) per transaction.

  • add_circleCan you give me an example of a pricing breakdown?

    Let's consider - as an example - you set the price of your EV charging station usage at 2,00 EUR / hour. If your customer choose charging for 4 hours, the pricing breakdown will look like this:

    • Customer pays: 2 hours x 3,00 EUR = 6,00 EUR
    • Killswitch fee: 6,00 x 0,07 = 0,42 EUR. Since this is under the min fee, the Killswitch fee will be set to 0,50 EUR
    • You receive: 5,50 EUR net in your account

    If you decide to charge the minimum fee to your customer, the pricing breakdown will look like this:

    • Customer pays: 2 hours x 3,00 EUR + 0,50 EUR (min fee) = 6,50 EUR
    • Killswitch fee: 6,00 x 0,07 = 0,42 EUR. Since this is under the min fee, the Killswitch fee will be set to 0,50 EUR
    • You receive: 6,00 EUR net in your account
  • add_circleCan I change the payment settings?

    Yes, after the initial configuration of your paywall, you can change any setting for any of your devices from your dashboard page. You can easily and quickly change the price, min or max duration and other parameters.

  • add_circleIs it possible to set a minimum and maximum usage?

    Yes. When setting up your EV charging station (or other device) you can specify the usage unit - in minutes, hours or days - the unit price and the minimum and maximum usage.

    In example, you can set a minimum usage of 2 hours and maximum usage of 12 hours - or any other value that suits you.